Sleep And Mental Health


Aug 23, 2024
Sleep and mental health go hand in hand. You have enough sleep, you relax your brain and it functions at its best. If you are lacking in sleep, it will worsen your mental health and can lead to some other notable ailments too. So, I recommend 7-9 hours of sleep everyday.
I would advise you to exercise and avoid the consumption of caffeine especially before your bedtime. This will definitely help you wind down. Another way out is to prioritize relaxation techniques which could be deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.
I like to clear my mind with mindfulness and journaling before bed. I find that writing down my thoughts has really helped to calm my thoughts. It has done a great job on me. Sleep is very essential to maintain a metal balance..
A person really does need sleep, though the person I'm dating needs a cpap to sleep and needs their numbers adjusted, so the machine works better but taking forever to see someone.
God who rested on the sabbath day after all the creation work isn't stupid. As a human being, we need to sleep and rest in order to be in good healthy condition. If your sleep is messed up, it's definitely going to negatively affect your mental health.
I don't joke with sleeping. I ensure that I focus more on having a good sleep and will always do everything to have enough of it each time that I find out the need to sleep. This has helped me so much in finding balance in life.