Does Age of Empires 2 have more campaigns (story missions) than any other RTS?


Junior Tactician
Aug 26, 2024
Recently, I have been on Age of Empire 2 and I would tell you that it's been an awesome experience for me. I’m absolutely blown away with the gameplay. Honestly, it's been an easy ride . The number of campaigns gets me hooked. I think it has more campaigns than any other RTS game. Am I right?
That's too bold! I still think the Rise of Nations might give it a run for its money. Do you know that Rise of Nations has over 15 campaigns? Its campaigns cover a broader timeline, from ancient to modern which is difficult to beat.
You guys haven't checked out Company of Heroes 2 yet. It has a very massive 30+ mission campaign. I like the level of realism which was actually brought by the dynamic weather. You don't wanna miss its intense WWII battles. It's so engaging.
Well, I think Age of Empires II has more campaigns than any other RTS. The reason behind this is because the game has been with us since decades. With over 40 story-driven campaigns spanning medieval history, no other RTS matches its depth. Games like StarCraft II have great campaigns but fewer total missions.