Commander Chassis System


Sanctuary Developer
Aug 13, 2023
One of my favourite features is around all the commander upgrade stuff with the seperate chassis system. Players will be able to transfer their commander into a completely different vehicle with completely different specs ... like a bot turning into a tank instead, with slower movement and more hp, but with completely different upgrades. One of the reasons I like this is because it advertises the commander capabilities ... like he is tank mode now so he could have the scary epic gun upgrade. Having the chassis change is like a big warning.
The commanders are a place where we are making them wildly different to each other. EDA hovers, Chosen walks and Guard has no 'head' and walks sideways. The upgrades would also be distinct from each other - this is a part of the game where we really get to add some personality and mix it up a lot. We haven't locked in specific ideas but there's heaps of possibilities here and we will see what it looks like as we go. I'm thinking 3 chassis per faction with 5 upgrades per chassis.
That was one thing which SupCom failed to do. All the Commanders were very similar. All could teleport, all could get gun upgrades and shields. There was very little difference between them. Sanctuary is the gift that keeps on giving.
Hmm well they did have differences, but we think this is one of the areas when there could be a lot more going on. Personally I think commanders are one of the more interesting parts of the game - you get ballsey moves and edge of the seat moments.
Some differences for sure, but not enough to make a huge difference to play style especially late game. Other than a Cybran telesnipe, late game most commanders are stuck well behind the lines in the main base. If Sanctuary can establish critical offensive uses for Commanders late game - via the chassis system - I’m all for it.
Love the sound of this. Like excession said, there’s not a lot of differe ce in supcom ACUs so seeing this make me feel happy. Lots of diff options 2 choose from.
Love the sound of this. Like excession said, there’s not a lot of differe ce in supcom ACUs so seeing this make me feel happy. Lots of diff options 2 choose from.

Every player will want to have lots of options to make the picks. You know that is what will make it an interesting game to play, if you ask me.
...especially when the chassis you choose advertises your intention to the enemy should they successfully scout your commander. Meaning they can amend their plans/tactics based upon what branch of the tree you follow.

There needs to be some sort of penalty for reversing your decision too. In supcom you could just click a different upgrade and it would remove it and replace. I'd like to see a requirement to undo upgrades meaning you have to choose very carefully about which route to take.
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...especially when the chassis you choose advertises your intention to the enemy should they successfully scout your commander. Meaning they can amend their plans/tactics based upon what branch of the tree you follow.

There needs to be some sort of penalty for reversing your decision too. In supcom you could just click a different upgrade and it would remove it and replace. I'd like to see a requirement to undo upgrades meaning you have to choose very carefully about which route to take.
Requirement of reversing back to previous chassis us just cost, as you have to pay for another one in the first place
... and you would lose all the upgrades from the previous chassis. upgrades are chassis-specific