Recent content by Random Guy

  1. Random Guy

    Unit ideas Guard T3 scout drone launcher

    In supreme commander in late t3 stage, people often like to have few air factories that are always spamming t1 scouts over the battlefield to have good intel, so I think it could be made easier with this unit idea This launcher would shoot out scout drones(with intel stats similar or same of t1...
  2. Random Guy

    Gameplay Alternative to hydrocarbon plant from supcom in Sanctuary.

    In supreme commander you can build hydrocarbon plant on special point and it gives you a lot of energy cheaply, which changes first minutes of the game significantly, and so in my opinion if would be good to have something like that in Sanctuary too. My suggestion instead of a new...
  3. Random Guy

    building thingies

    Well, you likely gonna need to build a lot of stuff, but not this one, unless you want like 7 copies of T2 Tech center. And there is also many more t3 plasma generators than need
  4. Random Guy

    Gameplay Selecting priority for units

    I think it would be extremely useful if players had a key bind to set selection priority for selected units. Like normally, if you use selection box on an area and there is a combat unit, it would not select ACU and engineers, but if there are none, it would select them. My idea is to make it...
  5. Random Guy

    Gameplay Engineers and reclaiming.

    After playing a lot of games in FAF I got annoyed with people just spamming t1 engineers and consuming all the reclaime like a locust swarm, while having almost 0 economical risk, since engineers pay back after reclaiming full wreck of single t1 tank. What is your opinion on this situation? My...
  6. Random Guy

    Unit ideas Chosen aircraft carrier bonus.

    I was talking in Discord and it reminded me of my unit discussion with Amx_50B and the results of it, so he is also responsible for this idea. Chosen carrier could have an ability to temporary boost the shield HP of units that are launched from it. IF you have enough carriers to...
  7. Random Guy

    Gameplay SMD against Chosen and Guard "nukes"

    We know that all factions get different nukes, and EDA gets the cluster nuke. But as Special_Bread said, you would be able to shoot down half of cluster nukes if your SMD is half loaded and so on, which would be kinda unfair if they did nothing to 2 other nukes, so what if such hits were to...
  8. Random Guy

    Gameplay Full share and commander death

    I have heard from some people that thing death of a commander in FAF with fullshare is not that significant, but without full share game isn't gonna be good, so I have a suggestion: What if it took some time to reassign the units of a player that died? Like commander dies and his units do...
  9. Random Guy

    List your top three favourite games. Ever.

    I see you are a man of culture as well, so cool that they fixed the Titanfall 2 servers, so much fun playing it
  10. Random Guy

    List your top three favourite games. Ever.

    From the game I played are: 1)Supcom FAF 2)Titanfall 2 3)Barotrauma You know, supcom as an options sound like cheating here, so 4)Nebulous: Fleet commander
  11. Random Guy

    PC Gaming Rooms

    I don't remember seeing any in Kyiv, but now instead we have a few VR clubs. Basicaly the same, but you pay for VR set instead. Me and my friends celebrated our birthdays 4 times in total so far, really cool.
  12. Random Guy

    Chosen Battleship

    After 8 Hours of work I think I am confident with my result, and most importantly, it is not a damn copy paste like someone else did
  13. Random Guy

    Chosen logo wallpaper

    Ok, I decided to do some more, just in case
  14. Random Guy

    Chosen logo wallpaper

    Got tired of waiting for last days to post it, so here we go. Here, I declare, that I patented the design style of wallpaper, and anything that looks too similar to it is plagiarism ;) Here are both with and without the text, somebody might like the one with it. And they look really small on...
  15. Random Guy

    Design official Sanctuary smartphone wallpapers

    So, I have a question about the needed size of this wallpaper, can you tell me the name of the smartphone that this size ration would fit in? Because I am using Figma and there is a list of frames from all different smartphones and I don't know how to compare 2 of them myself