Who are the EDA?


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Staff member
Aug 2, 2023
Earth Defence Alliance

A human-first coalition dedicated to the rights and sovereignty of all of its citizens. Formed over a century of corruption, wealth disparity and a need for unification, the EDA rose up to become the de-facto governing body in staunch opposition to the Chosen. To some, they are oppressive sectarians. To others, they are mankind’s only hope.

The EDA favours efficiency over the elaborate designs of their enemies. Commanding vast human populations and innumerable resources, their might is slow to mobilize but fearsome nonetheless. Favoring a shock and awe doctrine, expect the EDA to decimate their enemies with a plethora of destructive armaments, their brutality matched only by their reliability. Still, necessity breeds invention, and many of their best Sentinels have become masters of guerrilla warfare, using a combination of stealth technology and heavy armor to bring the pain where their opponents least expect it.
Earth Defense Alliance (EDA)

This is Earth’s united force that fights for the protection of Humanity, Life, and Earth.

Motivation: They want to thaw Earth by gaining control of the Eclipse, a structure that is blocking most sunlight from hitting the planet. They want to prevent the Chosen from regaining superiority over humans.

How they see Chosen: Uploaded minds are not truly conscious and merely imitate human behavior.

How they see RA : a threat to their survival (possibly en even bigger one that the Chosen)

The Journey: The player is one of the field commanders of the EDA invasion force en route to Sanctuary.

Appearance: industrial, boxy, rugged, tough, kickass

Main color: green