Star Wars What's your favorite lightsaber color?


Sep 17, 2023
Do you have any kind of special attraction and attachment to any specific colour of the lightsaber?

Colours like blue, green, yellow, red, black and purple are the different lightsaber colour that was seen throughout the Star Wars universe.

Which colour is your favorite? Red have always been my favourite like the one used by Darth Vader.
Purple has always had my fancy. In rare not quite canon contexts there's a neat bright teal type. White is another color that's had traction, I don't think it has particular advantage though.
I've always liked blue. That's really the first lightsaber color I can remember as a kid, and the one that's stuck with me. A lot of great and powerful Jedi used blue lightsabers in combat.
Same here. My favorite lightsaber color is blue.
It looks so awesome in the dark!!
I'm sure most of the Star Wars fans would have blue as their favorite lightsaber color.

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My favourite is Blue. Generally, I’ll pick the colour which reflects to my favourite colour in real life. It also looks really cool when it illuminates in the dark, so definitely going with it!
My favourite is without a doubt, purple when it comes to the lightsaber but I will admit, I do have a soft spot for the blue as well. I guess because with the lightsaber the colour has this kind of glow, both purple and blue look so good with the glow!