What's The Ideal Number of kids To Have?


Aug 23, 2024
I think the ideal number of kids is 3. Although it depends on individual preferences and the number of kids you can effectively manage. And before considering this, you need to consider financial stability, personal goals, and your lifestyle too.
I want a bigger family because it's more fun for me. I would like to have 5 children. I already have 3 but financial stability should be considered fist before getting into this.
This is really a personal answer, but I think that with 2 children it would be fine for me, I wish it were 1 boy and 1 girl, that is what I would like, but more than that, I think it is too much, at least in my case.
2-3 is ideal, but in this world, I don't think a lot of people could afford such families. Having 1 is lucky enough, if you meet anyone who wants just 1 kid.
Considering the economy, I plan to go with only 2. The less kids I have, the easier it will be to take care of them 😁
I would be happy having just 2 kids. I don't want to have a lot and it means raising kids that I can train. I want to have those kids as early as I can and want to watch them grow to becoming great in life.
I want quality over quantity and I want to be able to focus. So, I think 3 children are perfect for me. I want to be able to give them a good life and unconditional love.
I like to have 4 children but I have 3 presently. I and my wife are on family planning right now and we plan to have one more once we’re out of financial crisis.