What's One Day You Would Love To Relive Life?


Aug 23, 2024
I want to rewind and relive my wedding day. I seem not to forget the smile, joy in my heart seeing my family and friends supporting me all the way. I just want that moment back even if it's just one day. But I don't think this wish of mind would be granted though. 🤣

What about you?
I want to relive my childhood days. I was free like a bird. No responsibilities like I have now. Just to eat, play and school. OMG! nurturing kids and family is a job on its own.
I wish I could go back to my childhood, those would be the days that I would like to be able to relive, also other good memories from my adolescence and young adulthood.
I would love to have a moment with my late dad. OMG, that man was my source of strength back in the day. I get literally everything from him. I miss his advice and words of wisdom. I feel like crying 😭 right now.
Hrmmmm, I suppose its the first time I got with my girlfriend and do some things different to have a even better time.