What Are The Best RTS Game Mods for Beginners?


Aug 23, 2024
I’ve been on a lookout for the best RTS game modes that are beginners friendly. It's definitely going to make games easier and more fun. Someone told me to try tutorial and fun campaign mods. I haven't try them yet but I just want to know the mods that helped you?
I would recommend the following beginner friendly modes. They make gaming very enjoyable.

1. Balance mods, good for fair gameplay
2. Smart AI mods, excellent for challenging your opponents. And
3. New map mods.
One of the best mods for beginners is Easier Difficulty Settings. This mod is available in many games and it will help new players to adjust difficulty levels. A lot of people dislike using resource cheats but I think this can be good for beginners. Beginners can also try unit stats mods to adjust the stats of units to make them stronger or weaker.
My top modes that are very effective for new RTS players are the guided tour mods, simple interface mods and relax mods which is good for stress-free gaming.
My top modes that are very effective for new RTS players are the guided tour mods, simple interface mods and relax mods which is good for stress-free gaming.

Guided tour mods works really better as you get to play some of these games with some instructions helping you to build confidence while gaming.