RTS HQ Warcraft and Warcraft 2 Remasters Drop Without Warning

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Aug 2, 2023
Blizzard just pulled off a classic move – dropping remasters of Warcraft and Warcraft 2 with no prior warning. The reveal coincided with the company’s 30th anniversary celebration, featuring a trailer packed with side-by-side comparisons of the original graphics and the new, hand-drawn visuals.

Let’s address the obvious question: why remaster these classics now? While the Warcraft 2 remaster had leaked, the first Warcraft was a surprise. According to franchise manager Brad Chan, these updates aim to respect the games’ original art style while offering a refreshed look. The result? Visuals that are undeniably cleaner, with a more cartoony vibe, but still aiming to capture the charm of the originals.

They probably did that because they didn't want unnecessary hype around the remasters. That way, people won't have too much to say about them before they are even released.
Is there such a thing as unnecessary hype?
You know instances where an upcoming game gets so much awareness and people's expectations have been raised too high, only for the game to get released and end up disappointing.
That's probably what the creators are avoiding.
Nice they did it, but I wonder why they didn't put more advertisement into it?
Could it be as a result of their over confidence in the popularity of their game franchise? With or without much advertisement made before the release, they assume it's still going sell well as expected.