new mechanics (obviously not base game)


The Chosen
Nov 1, 2023
soo let's start shall we :
tech tree upgrader : when you build a tech centre for you army, some of your units get an upgrade (ex. : tech 2 centres give you a small rocket pod on your tech 1 tank)
assisting laser : some units have a laser that will touch an ennemy unit and improve the accuraty of indirect fire weapons on this particular ennemy units and make missiles missiles that will follow this particular ennemy unit
scrapper : some healers have the abillity to make units without a factory. unfortunately theses need metal corpses left from your skirmishes. somes units requires mores corspes or bigger one (ex. : tech 4 need another tech 4 or 3 battleships.). if you get enought of theses in a special radius (that count corpses) that is around the unit you re going to build, you can build it without needing to pay anything. you can put more healer or units that can assist and they will without using your economy to speed up the build. once the units it built every corpes that were needed for it will be consumed
soo let's start shall we :
tech tree upgrader : when you build a tech centre for you army, some of your units get an upgrade (ex. : tech 2 centres give you a small rocket pod on your tech 1 tank)
assisting laser : some units have a laser that will touch an ennemy unit and improve the accuraty of indirect fire weapons on this particular ennemy units and make missiles missiles that will follow this particular ennemy unit
scrapper : some healers have the abillity to make units without a factory. unfortunately theses need metal corpses left from your skirmishes. somes units requires mores corspes or bigger one (ex. : tech 4 need another tech 4 or 3 battleships.). if you get enought of theses in a special radius (that count corpses) that is around the unit you re going to build, you can build it without needing to pay anything. you can put more healer or units that can assist and they will without using your economy to speed up the build. once the units it built every corpes that were needed for it will be consumed
Devs said no upgrades to units except commanders, since they want fights to he clear, and units suddenly getting stronger is against it.
tilt technology :

some aircraft have their wings or propulsor that are not fixed on the aircraft. this allow them to change between 2 mod : hover mod and interception mod. interception mod allow the aircraft to move like any bomber and air fighter, meaning it is very speedy but lack the ability to turn really fast and the need to turn around to get back on their target. hover mod allow them to move like gunship, meaning they hover above the ground and can dish out their damage while turning around their target without loosing track of them but lack the speed to get out of dangerous situation quick enought.
glider technology

some units have glider with them, allowing to fly on a short distance when they are released from a transport instead of the transport needing to land and deploy them and release them a bit furether from the point they must had been released. while flying they are consider air unit and can be targeted by air defences. they also cannot use any of their weapons while they fly
APL (or active protection laser)

this defense system allow units that possess them to destroy ennemy missiles and drones. most units that use them would be boats. they cannot attack ennemy units and sometimes big missiles will need multiple shots to be destroyed