Mobile Gaming - Yay or nay?


Victory through destruction
Aug 16, 2024
I know many of us play on PC, but I recently came across Warship Mobile, and it has turned out to be a fun one for me. It is sorta a stratgy game, but its worst element is that you are sometimes put in team with people who get your ship sunk.

Have you played the game? Do you play on mobile? If yes, which games do you play o there that you can recommend?
I'm not really big on mobile games at all, they are fun but I don't like playing them on my phone that can drain the battery.
I'm not really big on mobile games at all, they are fun but I don't like playing them on my phone that can drain the battery.
Understandable, but I only play them at home in close proximity to the charger so that has never been an issue., But I can see how it could stop someone from playing on the go, especially if there is a game they really would like to try.
There's no denying that mobile video games are becoming popular by the day. Many people are more on their smartphone which is why they tend to play games often on it. Mobile games will keep being popular as the day goes. I play on it but not often.
If you look at the statistics, you will find more people play on mobile devices compared to consoles or PC. Therefore, you cannot deny mobile gaming. However, I don't play on mobiles, however, I have done this in the past.
I don't do a lot of mobile gaming but I do play a couple of games on my mobile devices. It can be very relaxing to play games on mobile while lying on bed.