How Do I Counter Enemy Air Superiority in Supreme Commander?


Aug 23, 2024
It's been so difficult for me to counter my enemy's air superiority in supreme commander. That's where I fail woefully. So, I struggle so hard to stop the enemy air attack from them. So, I want some cool tips on how to counter their air superiority. Please help!
To be honest, nothing much can be done to counter airstrikes. The best form of defense is attack, so maybe try to get a powerful weapon so you can probably counter the enemies' strike.
There is no other way to strike your enemies in the air than to build your own air force. Let me tell you how I do it:
1). I use radar towers to detect the moves of my enemy planes.

2) Then, I upgrade my defenses if I spot an attack.

3) Lastly, I mix ground and air units to ensure optimum protection.
Build loads of SAM sites or cruisers and try to get the enemy to engage your ASFs over these structures. Even with a smaller force, surface toi air can turn the tide.
I use the stealth planes to sneak up on my enemy’s aircraft. One strategy I found very effectove is using the radar-blocking tech to blind my enemy radar and make my planes invisible. I also use moving defenses like mobile anti-air units to protect my base.
I'm sure that only Cybran have stealth ASFs. How do you change your tactics with the other factions?