Star Wars George Lucas Secretly Replaced Darth Vader in Star Wars

Seems like this should be marked OT but in any case, Prowse was done dirty by a salty Lucas. The linked article doesn't get into the truly screwed up part about it.

Why Darth Vader's Actor Was Banned From Official Star Wars Events @ CBR said:
Sadly, the feud continued in the financial realm with the film's release, as Prowse believed he didn't receive a fair cut for his role. A friend of Prowse later went on to explain, "Dave never received much money for his role and was always shoved to the side... He believes he's been an embarrassment or annoying to Lucas." Sadly, an even deeper cut was made to Prowse in 2010 when he was banned from official Star Wars events.


"After enquiring, the only thing I have been told is that I have 'burnt too many bridges between Lucas Film and myself' - no other reason given."
Never thought much about the actor, but the voice was well known and belonging to James Earl Jones. Anyway, Prowse should get his fair cut, as he was a main character, and also Jones.