
  1. Havoc

    Games Radar Could StarCraft 3 Be an Open World Game?

    StarCraft 2 was released in 2010 and after so many years of no news about another game in the series, many people though it would be the last StarCraft game. However, it looks like this might not be the case because there are rumors that people at Blizzard Entertainment are saying another game...
  2. Havoc

    Resume Game from Replay In RTS Games

    Resume game from replay is a feature in certain games like StarCraft II and Planetary Annihilation: TITANS where a player can select a moment from a replay to continue the game. This feature ensures players do not have to start all over and repeat the same actions if an issue occurs within the...
  3. Havoc

    RTS Esports and Competitions

    I know there have been real-time strategy tournaments in recent years, but I am not seeing too many of them coming up. I know StarCraft II has been a significant part of the esports landscape, with major tournaments like the LCS, CDL, or VCT in the past. So what happened to RTS tournaments? Was...
  4. A

    StarCraft and Starcraft II will be coming soon to Microsoft's Game Pass Okay, I take issue with the fact that they're even calling Starcraft II a classic game LOL