Second Wind feature


Sanctuary Developer
Aug 13, 2023
One of the more controversial features we are talking about is a second wind feature - in team games, when your commander dies, he is downed for a bit and your team mate can come over with his own commander and revive you. In other games - one of the frustrations is being sniped, you've played a game for 20 minutes and you are doing well then just suddenly die. Some people love it, some people hate it. Besides fixing an annoying issue, Second Wind will create lots of super excting gaming moments, where the main player is going really well, but he is downed! and then his teammates come to revive him! but then the area is nuked!

In Sanctuary players will have the option to be able to enable or disable Second Wind, which nerfs snipes a bit and provides excitement.
The revive function is going to make for some very interesting choices, especially on larger maps. Do you send your commander on a mercy mission to revive a comrade and leave yourself open to an attack whilst away from the safety of your main base? Or do you err on the side of caution?

Will there be a time limit on revival?
There would be a time limit like 2mins, need to playtest and see what is fun.
...if you need volunteers for that there playtesting...

I guess the time limit needs to be short enough to give a sense of urgency but long enough to allow team mates to navigate to the rescue. On a large map a short timeframe might make second wind impossible.
Haha thanks Excession - we have over 10,000 volunteers for that so far =)
Playtesters can sign up here: Sign Up | Sanctuary

It will drop one day and when it does ...
Always hated getting knocked out too soon. This sound epic. Will the revive ACU have the same abilities as the dead one or have like less HP or something like that?
These are questions to answer in the future after we get a bit further along - but good questions. Also, can the commander get downed a second time (probably not) and can he do some upgrade to be allowed to be downed again (probably not). Would the commander explode and kill enemy units upon being downed or upon actually dying when the timer expires (probably upon being downed?). Can a downed commander be captured by the enemy (no!) or damaged while down (probably not). There's a lot of things to experiment with here and as usual our answer is we are going to work out what the fun thing is, overall, later.
There would be a time limit like 2mins, need to playtest and see what is fun.

Having 2 minutes to check it out is okay. It gives the testers a bit of urgency to have a look at everything, but not deeper into the other aspects of it.
Yeah, I don't think that is what he meant. Giving play-testers two minutes to test wouldn't make sense. I'm sure they will get loads of time to test. Currently, the plan is to give the team-mates of the downed commander two minutes to invoke Second Wind.

But that is subject to change - hence why there will be playtesting.
One time where Second Wind won’t apply is when the sphere is cracked and your Kingpiece falls into the sun.
Maybe there could be other insta-death methods of preventing revival.
Perhaps one faction could have a snipe super-weapon which prevents Second Wind?
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Interesting idea, @Spectre

I’ve also been thinking about whether second wind should reset upgrades on the Kingpiece (have to stop calling it Commander or ACU!)
Second wind us great for new players, but absolutely terrible for high level games in my opinion. It is already really hard and expensive snipe people, and now you will have to somehow do it twice. The only winning condition in the game is killing the enemy commander, so for me it sounds bad that you have a thing that protects you from it. And on top of that, second wind only really benefits the winning side. If your team is loosing, it wouldn't have possibility and resources to save you, while the winning team can easily delay the attack and relocate army and commander to save their teammate. I am fine with this thing in game for as long as it is not in game matchmaking or there is a way to reliably play it without second wind
Second wind us great for new players, but absolutely terrible for high level games in my opinion.
We will provide some means of enabling / disabling it.
Or perhaps even modifying it via lua.
Such setting need lots of testing to find fun point, for various kind of players.
We will provide some means of enabling / disabling it.
Or perhaps even modifying it via lua.
Such setting need lots of testing to find fun point, for various kind of players.
Well, I know about it being optional in lobbies, and I have no problems with that here. What I am worried about is matchmaking, where you are not the one doing settings. And I don't think it would be a good idea to also split matchmaking in half to have both with and without second wind, since it would make harder finding people for a game. If Sanctuary gets really good online, it shouldn't be a problem, but we can't really know it
One of the more controversial features we are talking about is a second wind feature - in team games, when your commander dies, he is downed for a bit and your team mate can come over with his own commander and revive you. In other games - one of the frustrations is being sniped, you've played a game for 20 minutes and you are doing well then just suddenly die. Some people love it, some people hate it. Besides fixing an annoying issue, Second Wind will create lots of super excting gaming moments, where the main player is going really well, but he is downed! and then his teammates come to revive him! but then the area is nuked!

In Sanctuary players will have the option to be able to enable or disable Second Wind, which nerfs snipes a bit and provides excitement.

Personally, I love the idea of second wind feature because it's makes it possible to enjoy using the revive function when playing the game.
We will provide some means of enabling / disabling it.
Or perhaps even modifying it via lua.
Such setting need lots of testing to find fun point, for various kind of players.

Also, with being able to enable and disable using this function/feature, it's all up to the players to choose how they want to play.
The Second Wind feature sounds like a game-changer, offering a balance between strategy and fairness in team-based play. It helps reduce the frustration of sudden eliminations while creating intense, high-stakes moments where teammates must coordinate rescues. Giving players the choice to enable or disable it in Sanctuary is a smart move, catering to different playstyles.