Recent content by nine2

  1. nine2

    List your top three favourite games. Ever.

    FAF Minecraft FAF
  2. nine2

    nine2 entry (disqualified!)

    In today's episode of nine-is-disqualified-but-totally-would-have-won-otherwise...
  3. nine2


    We haven't talk about this much but we are going to have drones. So other games have land, air, sea. We are going to have those, plus drones, which are their own thing entirely. Drones will be small and 'smart projectiles' that can fly around and shoot or heal units. There will also be drone...
  4. nine2

    Infinite Terrain

    Our super genius art peoples have been hard at work delivering infinite terrain - there is no map border. Only part of the map is playable, after that it just keeps going off into the distance, no hard maps edge. Pretty sure BAR does this too. Which is why they are BARilliant.
  5. nine2


    Our pathfinding is designed to support bridges. Units can travel on top of or below bridges. Bridges can be destroyed which would damage the units above which would take fall damage, and everything below which would get crushed. Perhaps bridges can be repaired, who knows?
  6. nine2

    Second Wind feature

    One of the more controversial features we are talking about is a second wind feature - in team games, when your commander dies, he is downed for a bit and your team mate can come over with his own commander and revive you. In other games - one of the frustrations is being sniped, you've played a...
  7. nine2

    Commander Chassis System

    One of my favourite features is around all the commander upgrade stuff with the seperate chassis system. Players will be able to transfer their commander into a completely different vehicle with completely different specs ... like a bot turning into a tank instead, with slower movement and more...