Chosen Units

The Chosen

A society of Post-Humans who have transferred their consciousness from flesh to machine. Believing themselves to be the next step in Human evolution, their heightened intelligence is matched only by their aesthetic sense. The Chosen wage war from their super-computer networks, leading armies of killing machines as beautiful as they are deadly.

The Chosen are the most technologically advanced of all three factions, utilizing sleek designs and personal shielding to close the distance and crush their enemies with a deadly array of exotic energy weapons. Their war machines are very specialized, but also expensive. An emphasis on quality over quantity will require managing fewer units to greater effect. Each of their Sentinels houses the consciousness of an individual Chosen, and should it be destroyed the consciousness dies with it. The Chosen are few in number, so utmost care must be taken in protecting these peerless field marshals.

Chosen T1 Mobile Artillery
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